Saturday 20 December 2014

Drowning By Numbers (1988) Response

I took these images in response to the film Drowning By Numbers , directed by Peter Greenaway (1988). The film was shot along the Suffolk coast line, close to where I live. Although I did not engage with the film narrative, I appreciated the use of cinematography and mise-en-scene. Low-key lighting is used a lot throughout the film to connote when a bad activity is being carried out by a particular character, for example; low-key lighting is used on Sissy (about 8 minutes in), she is also wearing black clothing, the audience soon recognise her plan to drown her husband. Mid-shots are the most common shot distance used throughout the film; this is because the narrative can be quite confusing for the audience to follow, therefore simple cinematography is used in order for the audience to decipher the plot.
I deliberately shot these images in HDR to reflect the extreme landscape imagery in the film.

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